
M 001 Aluminium
4601 Light grey
4602 Grey
2600 Khaki
2602 Green
3601 Beige
3600 Golden Coffee
3603 Milk coffee
3604 Light brown
3606 Dark brown
6601 Cream
5601 Yellow
5602 Chrome yellow
5604 Oxide yellow
6602 Orange
1601 Light blue
1603 Deep blue
7601 Red
7602 Bordeaux
7603 Gold
1001 White
1002 Black

Note: The colors on the catalogue may not look same on different types of monitor, notebook, tablet, smartphone. You may look the color catalogues at any of our sales points. In addition this, after applying the paint the color of the wall may change depending on the natural sunlight or home lighting color ( for example yellow, led, etc.)

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