
502 Yellow
506 Gold yellow
510 Ochre
514 Cream
518 Champagne
522 Red oxide
526 Bordeaux
530 Chocolate
534 Brown
538 Beige
542 Mustard
546 Tobacco
550 Oxide green
554 Turquoise
558 Green
562 Blue
566 Petroleum
570 Ultramarine
574 Sapphire blue
580 Violet
582 Wine red
586 Orange
590 Red
598 Black

Note: The colors on the catalogue may not look same on different types of monitor, notebook, tablet, smartphone. You may look the color catalogues at any of our sales points. In addition this, after applying the paint the color of the wall may change depending on the natural sunlight or home lighting color ( for example yellow, led, etc.)

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