
Payment and Delivery


Payments methods : 


  1. You can pay in CASH at the time of delivery.
  2. Online through the bank;
  3. Via POS terminal at the point of delivery;


Note: You can also register on the site so that you can pay online.


Delivery Rules :

  1. Delivery is carried out all over the country.
  2. Delivery is free of charge if the total cost of the ordered product or products is more than 200 AZN. If the total cost of the ordered product or products is less than 200 AZN, a fee of 10 AZN is required.
  3. Products ordered in Baku are delivered to customers within 1 (one) working day.
  4. Delivery to the regions is made to customers within 5 (five) working days.
  5. Orders are delivered to the entrances of buildings, except for individual houses. Unloading or lifting the product is not included in the delivery service.
  6. During delivery, the products are physically checked and received by the buyer, as well as checked and delivered by the employee. When you buy the product, pay attention to its appearance and make sure that there is no technical damage. Request the receipt from the employee and sign it.
  7. On holidays and non-working days some orders could be delayed.
  8. Individual orders delivery (products that are not existing in the stock) could be delayed.


Payment and Delivery
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