
Guarantee and Return Policy


  • The company is fully responsible for the quality and originality of the products.
  • The shelf life of paint products and dry mixes is indicated on the packaging.
  • If the instructions for use and storage of products are not followed, the manufacturer is not responsible for any defects or consequences!
  • Customers' card security is fully guaranteed in online payments, and the cardholder's confidential card information is not kept in any way.


Return :

  • At the time of delivery: If the ordered product does not satisfy the customer for a valid reason, ie if the product does not meet the order, if there is a physical defect in the packaging of the product (opened, damaged or if the product is damaged) it can be returned. In this case, the product is returned to the warehouse through an employee after the return act is drawn up and approved by the parties.
  • The refund process will be on cash purchases 5 days a week from 09:00 to 17:00, online payments will be refunded to the account within the timeframe set by the bank.
  • If the customer has made an ''online'' payment, the bank will be asked to refund the payment on the basis of a refund act. In accordance with the bank's internal procedure, the money is returned to the customer's account within a specified period.
  • Within 14 days after receipt of the product:
    1. If the customer wants to return the products without any physical damage;
    2. Without opening the lid of paint products;
    3. Other products can be returned in their original packaging - without use and without spoiling the physical appearance, along with consignment and receipts.
  • Products to be returned by the customer are delivered to the appropriate address by contacting the customer through sales managers in Baku and the regions.
  • In any case, the products must be inspected and handed over by a company representative during returning process.
Guarantee and Return Policy
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